A hardware platform which is mostly used to create and program real life projects is Micro Bit.
A hardware platform which is mostly used to create and program real life projects is Micro Bit.


Micro Bit : A hardware platform which is mostly used to create and program real life projects is Micro Bit.
A hardware platform which is mostly used to create and program real life projects is Micro Bit. It has ample amount of hardware sensors, buttons as well as displays which are mostly used for simple projects without connecting any external elements.

It is more or less like a tiny pocket sized computer that inspires kids to learn basic coding.

It helps in counting your steps with a DIY version of something like the ‘Fitbit’. You can also use it while balancing a game just to create an obstacle. Micro-Bit can also be used in making a digital watch, brooch or other kind of accessories that helps in displaying the time, your own design or message.

With the help of Micro-Bit, you can create eternal phone games likes “Snakes”or some of your own ideas. You can also try and make scoreboards for the games.

 Moreover, you can connect the Micro-Bit to the smartphones and use the buttons of your music player. It will also give you the opportunity to compose music.
Cooking – Attach it to a thermometer and bake a wonderful cake. You can even create a digital egg timer

    • Huge aggravation in engagement – The main purpose of the Micro-Bit is to inspire higher levels of engagement and creativity in a new generation of young people.
    • Boosts future employment – It helps kids in learning technology with utmost fun. This is the easiest way to use Micro-Bit because it encourages students to engage and hence boosts future employability.
    • Low Cost – There are technologies where people invest their life long earned money, but here it is just the opposite. It’s not only user-friendly but also minimal in cost.
Getting Started – Microbit.

Inputs and Outputs.

Project: Tilt-To-Fill (2 hours)

Magic with Math

Miro-smake game
